Sunday, October 14, 2012

Missing Provo


To say I have missed BYU and the Fall in Utah would be an understatement. I was seriously sad to not be in school this Fall. I miss it so much sometimes.  For those who know how I felt about Utah and BYU sometimes, this may come as a surprise. I felt like I had such a purpose and direction while I was there. Sometimes I feel lost in my new post college adult world. I had my highest and lowest moments at BYU and I grew from every experience I had there. I made the BEST friends. I feel so lucky to have found the people I did there. Met my husband, the greatest success of my BYU experience. And received my college degree. I am trying to appreciate my degree more as I usually do not see it as a huge accomplishment. I more see it as something that I obviously needed to do. However it is an accomplishment that I need to feel proud of. So I miss you alot this Fal BYU. I want to go to intramural games, drink hot chocolate at Seven-Eleven, drive up the canyon, snuggle in our attic/or basement apartment, go to a football game, walk to class, take a moonlight chairlift ride in Sundance, eat at our favorite spots, and enjoy the simplicity of my life back then. I loved being a newlywed in a college town where everyone was poor and we did simple things to make us happy. Oh the simple college life.
Thanks BYU for the wonderful memories. We miss you this Fall Season!

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