Saturday, July 2, 2011


So here is the latest and greatest with the Langes...
We were able to go the US OPEN! It was a very cool experience. We both probably didn't appreciate it as much as some of the other golf enthusiasts there, but we were very happy to be there and be a part of it all. I had to fill Stuart in on who alot of the people were, I absorbed more than I thought from golf being on at my house all those years. The only disappointing part was how many drunk people were there. I would not have guessed that at a such a classy golf tournament.
Also I finally got to start my job!! I work at a summer camp as a counselor over a group of 7 year-olds. It is exhausting but I feel like I make a difference when I am there and it is so worth it. I love that they are just so honest and say whatever is on their minds.

"Wow emily, are you going to wear those same shorts everyday?"
"If Justin Bieber isn't married to Selena Gomez how could she be pregnant? You can't get pregnant unless you are married right?"
"Emily your lunch is not healthy at all"
love them.

And then we got to go to a Washington Nationals game with Stuart's work. They invited all the Interns and new hires and bought us all dinner! It was really fun to be there and meet the people that Stuart works with. He works with a great group of people and we feel very fortunate.

D.C has just been great. We feel so lucky to be in our current situation and we are excited for the rest of the summer and what is to come.

They didn't allow cameras, phones, etc on the course so these are our individual shots with our tickets outside our apartment before we walked over to the tournament.

Working Woman

Nationals Game

"To whom much is given, much is required"
This has been on my mind alot today. When I sit and think about all that Stuart and I have been blessed with in this life, I am overwhelmed. I have a tendancy to stress about the future lately, and I was reminded today of my blessings and that the Lord has a plan for us. On our road trip out here a family that we stayed with gave me some good advice when I was worried about not having work. She simply said to wake up and ask Heavenly Father what he would have me do today. I think if we all followed this advice a little more we would notice the Lord's hand in our lives easier. Life is truly a wonderful gift that we have been given.


  1. What a great experience the two of you are having in our nation's capitol! We are watching the broadcast of the DC 4th of July celebration and it must have been so much fun to be there in person!

  2. Emily! NO idea you had a blog. boy i am out of the loop. DC looks like a blast! and such a fun adventure! i am excited i can be updated :) can't wait for more!
