We were lucky enough to go down to San Diego a couple of weekends ago!! Can we just say how much we LOVE the Kuleto's and visiting them! They always make it such a good time. They fed us delicious meals, watched Tanner play basketball, played at the park, great conversations, and even a movie! I got to talk with my sister-in-law Jessica for a while when Stuart played tag with the boys and I appreciated her view on life and making decisions. She always has such good advice and I appreciate all that I can learn from her. I can only hope to have good kids and be a mother like her one day! We love talking with the Kuleto's late into the night after the kids have gone too bed and just enjoying one another's company. We love you guys and can't wait to visit again!!
2 days ago
You are so sweet Emily! We love any chance to visit with you guys and think you are well on your way to making great decisions for you new little family. You are a perfect match for stu and a wonderful addition to our family...we love you very much:)